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2023 Synod - 3 Goals of Growth + PRiME

The 33rd Synod for the Diocese of the Northeast was held Oct 25-27 in Rochester NH at Trinity Anglican Church.

Approximately 85 people gathered for the celebration of Bishop Webb's enthronement ceremony and Mass. A beautiful service was held with the honorific presence of previous Bishop Ordinary Marsh as he shared a wonderful and heartfelt Homily for the incoming Bishop and his ministry.

The 33rd Synod for the Diocese of the Northeast was held Oct 25-27 in Rochester NH at Trinity Anglican Church.

Approximately 85 people gathered for the celebration of Bishop Webb's enthronement ceremony and Mass. A beautiful service was held with the honorific presence of previous Bishop Ordinary Marsh as he shared a wonderful and heartfelt Homily for the incoming Bishop and his ministry.

Significantly Bishop Webb challenged the Diocese to reach forward into their futures with three goals of growth.

  1. 20% increase in average attendance for each Parish and Mission in two years.

  2. The growth of each Mission to become Parishes (Self-sustaining ) in three years.

  3. The planting of four new Mission's in the Diocese in four years.

Subsequently, the Clericus event attended by approximately 20 clergy focused on the Bishop's challenges and an excellent and practical presentation was made by our new Canon Missioner Fr Mirabile. Specific statistics and trends are showing the aging out of many Churches and Christian movements in the US forcing us to respond to these challenges with courage and conviction. Canon Mirabile rolled out a new DNE strategy called "PRiME" focusing our efforts and resources towards the engagement and installation of new clergy to our Diocese.

In the general Synod both houses of Clergy and Laity voted unanimously to reject the required retirement of Bishop Webb (age 72 / canon bylaws) and to grant a three-year extension to his ministry until the age of 75.

For those who were able to attend, the mood and atmosphere was upbeat and encouraging for the clarity and focus of our ministry as a Diocese and for the vigor and energy felt by all.

Video of Bishop Webb's enthronement Mass as well as Cn Father Mirabile's presentation will be posted on our ACADNE.ORG website.


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